It is important to have roofing professionals inspect the roof for integrity. There are a variety of indicators that could indicate that the roof is wearing and prone to future leaks. You can replace shingles if you see missing granules curled shingles or moss growth and also the shingles being damaged by storms.
It is also possible to use asphalt shingle rejuvenation in order to minimize leaks. The procedure restores flexibility to the shingles and boosts resistance to water. You can also consider using the asphalt shingle repair spray to increase their longevity as well as improve their appearance. To save money it is possible to avoid the requirement to remove asphalt roofing plans , and instead put your focus on fixing the roof. The existing asphalt shingles should be in excellent shape. Costs for replacing asphalt shingles vary between $5,500 and $12,000 depending on the types of shingle materials that are used. Asphalt shingle roof cost per square foot ranges from $100-$500, based upon the type of base material used and its grade. 5zow9vfqcz.