It is estimated that over 2 million people get married in the United States each year. Between 40 and 50 percent of those marriages end in divorce. That is a large percentage, and many people wonder if there are some instances when couples give up on a marriage too soon. When there are disagreements, experts advice spouses to address the question: will marriage counseling help?
There is a lot of marriage counseling advice available in various forms. Oftentimes, having a therapist or someone impartial to talk to about relationship issues can help. Many trained professionals are available to talk to whenever one or both parties have been asking themselves, “will marriage counseling help our relationship?”
Talking to a counselor in person is not the only option. There are many self help marriage counseling books, tapes and DVDs available as well. Disagreements between people happen in every type of relationship, and that includes marriages. It is natural, normal, and even to be expected. Relationship experts advise couples to keep the lines of communication open and to be understanding of each others points of view.
My husband already had a girlfriend (with the emphasis on the word girl, it was a much younger co worker of his) so marriage counseling did not work for us. It was too late.
It sounded weird, but my fiancé asked me if I wanted go to couples counseling about a month after we moved in together. It turned out to be a great idea. Now we are closer than ever.
It sounded weird, but my fiancé asked me if I wanted go to couples counseling about a month after we moved in together. It turned out to be a great idea. Now we are closer than ever.
It sounded weird, but my fiancé asked me if I wanted go to couples counseling about a month after we moved in together. It turned out to be a great idea. Now we are closer than ever.
It sounded weird, but my fiancé asked me if I wanted go to couples counseling about a month after we moved in together. It turned out to be a great idea. Now we are closer than ever.
It sounded weird, but my fiancé asked me if I wanted go to couples counseling about a month after we moved in together. It turned out to be a great idea. Now we are closer than ever.