Are you aware that the vast majority of internet users ignore paid ads in favor of clicking on organic links that result from their online searches? Also, an estimated 75 percent of people online do not ever click past the first page of their search results! For small business owners, these facts can be frustrating. After all, small business owners may not have the kind of time or resources available to them, not to mention the marketing expertise, to truly focus on internet marketing and Search Engine Optimization. 80 percent of small business owners are in charge of marketing projects for their companies. However, only 30 percent of small business owners spend more than three hours per week working on email marketing, even though email marketing has proven to be a major driver of conversions.
If you now that your online marketing strategy is not cutting it for your company, you should consider working with a firm reselling SEO that can provide your business with the best SEO plan you can afford. Many small business owners are apprehensive about spending money on the best online marketers reselling SEO, but doing so must be considered as an investment in the future of your business. Right now, 30 percent of companies, up from 28 percent in 2011, outsource a portion of their Search Engine Optimization to a company reselling SEO. There is a reason for this, and you do not want to be left behind by the competition.
Approximately 40 percent of all customers who buy products online are referred by search engines. This is why it so important to have high search engine rankings, which is something that the best company reselling SEO plan can help you achieve. Right now, online sales make up 7 percent of all retail sales. By 2016, internet sales will grow to 9 percent. For your company to reach its potential in rankings and sales, you should look for the best marketing company reselling SEO that you can find.
So which marketing firm the best at reselling SEO that works for you? The answer to this question depends on several variables, for instance, the size of your marketing budget, your industry, and the style of content you desire. The best company reselling SEO is one that understands your goals and is capable of translating them into an effective marketing plan. So too is the best marketing firm reselling SEO one that creates content that fosters lasting relationships between your brand and potential customers. The best company reselling SEO for is one that shares the values, goals, and communication style of the business for which SEO is being created.