Finding the right safety equipment is critical to your employees well being, and insuring a protective work environment. Whether you are looking for general health and safety equipment, high visibility jackets or something like industrial ear plugs, it is important to ascertain what risks you can adequately address. With some research into product reviews and reputation, you can find the best equipment for your employees.
First, not all safety equipment is made the same. It should be judged with a critical eye to construction and reliability. Fortunately, with the advent of third party review sites, you can evaluate all sorts of items before you purchase them. For example, some high visibility jackets and vests may provide increased visibility, but fit and finish can dramatically reduce a products effectiveness which would cost more in the long run.
Sometimes using brand name equipment, at least to start your search, will insure that you are picking the best safety gear. For example, Atlas fit gloves are known for materials, durability and finish, and give you a good baseline to compare other products against. In terms of traffic safety apparel, you do not want to settle for something that is not impervious to the weather conditions or UV requirements that you will face.
Depending on your quality assurance guidelines, you may even want to maintain an internal reference for selecting the right safety clothing and equipment. When employees use various items, like new high visibility jackets, they can record their impressions throughout the natural product life. This will allow purchasing and individual employees to cross reference online reviews with real life experience in your business. Sometimes this on the job feedback can better address questions that you would otherwise not be able to answer without purchasing the items.
Using good judgement and doing your research can help insure that you get the best safety equipment for your employees. Without the right safety gear, you risk injury and downtime that could have been prevented.