In most cases, it is in the best interest of the food service provider to have as much food safety and processes training as possible. ISO 14001 certification, CMMI Certification, and FAMI QS are some of the certifications available. Below are a description of each.
Iso 14001 certification and related ISO training are the most important. ISO 14001 certification specifically deals with criteria for environmental management systems, and can increase overall energy efficiency. Companies with ISO 14001 certification often enjoy a competitive advantage over those without ISO 14001 certification. Other types of ISO certification include ISO 9000 certification and Iso 20000 certification.
A training different than ISO 14001 certification is CMMI certification. CMMI certification, short for Capability Maturity Model Integration, is a process improvement approach that can guide the improvement process across an entire organization. CMMI certification may be combined with other process safety management training. For instance, FAMI QS governs quality and safety of feed ingredients, and eliminates impurities from the supply chain.
Of course, there are many types of certifications. These that I have mentioned are only a few. If food service providers can get as many certifications as they can, though, they will have an easier time with regulators and litigants. For more, read this link: ul-dqsusa.com