Every 14.6 seconds, a burglary takes place in the United States. Just for comparison, that is almost as frequent as babies in the U.S. being born at a rate of 3 babies per second. The good news is that around 87% of these burglaries are considered preventable. This is mostly due to thieves and home invaders avoiding homes that are protected by home alarm and security systems like ADT security, which is the largest serving security company in the United States.
Serving over 6.4 million customers between the United States and Canada, ADT helps to prevent burglaries from occurring and keeps families and home owners feeling safe. Statistics prove that homes without home security systems are about three times more likely to be broken into than homes protected by a security system. ADT alarm prices can vary depending on your provider. However, the prices are typically affordable for the average house hold income. Companies such as the Protect Your Home Organization provides and installs home security systems that utilize the ADT alarm monitoring service. This service is monitored by the 24/7 call and support center. This center works with approximately 38,000 law enforcement, fire and medical agencies across the entire United States that responds to about 50,000 crimes in progress each year. The ADT security monitoring center also fields 19 million customer calls per year and calls upon about 93,000 alarms daily.
ADT has received some of the best security system reviews and rewards. There is no doubting that the benefits of alarm systems far outweigh the cons and will significantly reduce the possibility of your home being burglarized. If you do not feel your home is secure and safe from burglars or have recently experienced a burglary, investing in an ADT monitored home security and alarm system will provide peace of mind and help to keep you and home safe. This is a great source for more.
I have had a few hiccups in the first year of my home being secured by an ADT monitored system. Most of the glitches have been fixed now, though. There is no doubting that they are a solid security company, just look at those statistics…