According to a reliable, yet anonymous source, the typical human being will absorb more information during the “first few years of life” than another other time. Although “the first few years” could be mean three, five, seven, nine, or more years, the source is probably referring to some time before the age of five.
Regardless of the specific time period in which all this learning occurs, research shows that day care providers can be invaluable to the intellectual, physical, and social development of a child. The extent to which private day care can benefit a child depends heavily upon selecting a daycare facility that is best suited to that child.
Given the research that shows how valuable private daycare can be for the development of young minds, many parents choosing childcare for their children even if they are able to stay home. For the majority of parents, however, childcare is a necessity because both parents work full-time jobs outside of the home.
For one reason or another, statistics show that around 11 million American children under the age of five are currently enrolled in some form of daycare. Finding a daycare that offers quality learning opportunities and is conveniently located are top priorities for working parents. As all parents know, wondering about what is going on with their children can impact your productivity at work. This should not be the case, but parents are human, after all.
The good news is employers have noticed this trend. As a result, employer sponsored daycare is becoming more common among American employers. While corporate daycare remains far from the norm, it may prove to be an asset to companies who offer it. The obvious advantages of corporate daycare is employees who are less stressed out by the welfare of their children, and fewer of them rushing out of the office ASAP to pick them up.
If more companies decide to experiment with corporate daycare it will be interesting to see if it turns out to increase employ productivity or create unnecessary distraction. Whatever happens, you can bet that employees who enjoy the option are happier because of it.