Sales can be pretty unforgiving. Not everyone is cut out for it, and weeding out the few who are can be costly, and time consuming. Do not risk your company going under while you are too busy hiring new sales people. How are recruitment firms helping sales companies hire the right sales reps, the first time?
Knowing What Qualities to Look For
Most companies know to look for the obvious qualities, like a genuine smile and a firm handshake. Most firms, however, have a tendency to undermine the most important qualities necessary for a successful sales career. These qualities are patience, and determination. Confidence and enthusiasm can be learned, but sales reps are never going to get that far without perseverance. Recruitment firms are great networkers, and know candidates and would be sales reps who will stick with it until the very end.
Being Realistic About High Turnover Rates
If you are working in sales, there is one thing you can count on… high turnover rates. As least a third of sales agents have limited tenure, and the typical employee lasts less than 12 months. Search firms keep this in mind at all times. They know that being too selective about experience is often detrimental, especially if there are seasoned sales reps that can help coach, or mentor, new hires.
Stop wasting your time on the hiring process. Recruitment firms take over the hiring process for you, hire only the most qualified candidates, and have tried and true ways to beat high turnover rates.
devil’s advocate here, and stick up for the people leaving sales jobs. Sales jobs are ROUGH. I’ve only done a few, I knew whether I could stay for a year or more within maybe the first week. If it wasn’t a good fit, I left. Saved everyone time.
Sales jobs are rough. I did one or two right out of college, but it also wasn’t for me. I wish I had realized it even sooner. Salespeople have to be prepared for all different amounts of paychecks, and I wanted some financial stability instead
Sales jobs are rough. I did one or two right out of college, but it also wasn’t for me. I wish I had realized it even sooner. Salespeople have to be prepared for all different amounts of paychecks, and I wanted some financial stability instead