Drivers in America alone produce around 1.3 billion gallons of used motor oil every year.
What happens to all of this oil? Sadly, much of it is not recycled. Most car oil change locations may have available the best diesel engine oil on the market, in alignment with API standards (American Petroleum Institute), but not enough oil change places work with recycled motor oil.
The best diesel engine oil, for the environment and the car, is rerefined. In the European Union, approximately 50 percent of motor oil is rerefined. How about the US? Well, Only 10 to 15 percent of motor oil in America is recycled. Something is not right with these numbers, would you agree?
There are a few different motor oil types. The best diesel engine oil is likely to bear a “W” on its container. This, contrary to popular belief stands for “Winter,” not “weight.” Such motor oil has a viscosity grading of 0, 5, 10, or 25, and undergo combustion at lower temperatures.
Not just cars, trucks, and buses uses motor oil. All vehicles with an internal combustion engine do, including motorcycles, gokarts, snow mobiles, boats, tractors, construction equipment, aircraft, and generators. Another reason why the best diesel engine oil is recycled engine oil, because your motor oil, if recycled, can be used in so many other types of engines.
The used motor oil from but one oil change has the potential to ruin one million gallons of fresh water, ravaging ecosystems, and making water undrinkable. There are an abundance of locations that will buy your used motor oil.
Be responsible with your oil, the whole world is depending on it.
Thank you so much writing this. I am disgusted with the way Americans go about using their motor oil. So wasteful. So sad.
I agree. It is about time people started smartening up with their motor oil. I never knew that about the oil of one oil change ruining a million gallons of water. This is why recycling is poignant.
I agree. It is about time people started smartening up with their motor oil. I never knew that about the oil of one oil change ruining a million gallons of water. This is why recycling is poignant.
I agree. It is about time people started smartening up with their motor oil. I never knew that about the oil of one oil change ruining a million gallons of water. This is why recycling is poignant.
I agree. It is about time people started smartening up with their motor oil. I never knew that about the oil of one oil change ruining a million gallons of water. This is why recycling is poignant.
I agree. It is about time people started smartening up with their motor oil. I never knew that about the oil of one oil change ruining a million gallons of water. This is why recycling is poignant.