How do you partake in the daily news? Everyone has their own ritual. It could be drinking a cup of coffee and eating a croissant while reading the morning paper at your local coffee shop. It could be mindlessly scanning the internet while you have nothing to do at work. It could be through less than reputable news broadcasts on the television, that focus more on the latest Miley Cyrus debacle than on the actual news that everyone should be hearing.
Or, you can get your news the smart way and watch an actually reliable news source that will give you the latest, most important news updates, all at the most convenient times. In Boston, the only source for such comprehensive and professional coverage is the news found on Channel 5.
- Channel 5 News
- Channel 5 News Weather
- Channel 5 News Online
If you doubt that Channel 5 is not the best news station around, then all you need to do is take a look at their credentials. Namely, the fact that just this year, the Associated Press named them the News Station of the Year.
There are an awful lot of different news stations out there, so to be chosen is quite the honor. And it is not like they won the award in 1997. Since they were named it in 2013, now is most certainly the time for you to switch over to Channel 5. When you come over, you will see just what made them the best news source this year.
News 5 weather, just like the rest of Channel 5, is the best around. They always seem to be that much more accurate. They seem to be a step ahead of the rest. When you watch 5 News weather, it is not the guessing game that most weather is. Standard news stations should have a disclaimer before their weather segments: “We will not be 100%, no matter what. But you cannot get mad at us, because it is the weather.”
For the weather on Channel 5, they do not fall back to that safety net. They put forth the effort and want to provide the best and most accurate updates for all of their viewers. Whether it is a week of lovely sunny weather, or a week of non-stop snow. It matters to them because it matters to you.
If you are still not convinced, just head on over to their webpage. Every news source you would want is available right there, conveniently separated out under different tabs. Navigation and search is made simple and streamlined. And they have a tab dedicated specifically to the Red Sox. How can you go wrong there?!
So stop leaving the news feeling like you are missing out on something. Find that one, ultimate resource that is going to provide you with all of the news that you could ever need. Whether you watch it early mornings, mid afternoon, or late evening, you will always come away satisfied and informed.